


V prispevku predstavljamo pojav transformacije in njene paradigme ter transformacije na obrambno-vojaškem področju. Najprej se lotevamo mejnih pojmov in zatem opredelimo transformacijo, njeno paradigmo in proces. Pri tem zajamemo izraze konsolidacija, konverzija, modernizacija, preoblikovanje, prestrukturiranje, reforma in reorganizacija, nadalje revolucijo na vojaškem področju in reinženiring ter posebej preobrazbo in transformacijo. Izhajamo iz dejstva, da se ti pojavi spreminjanja po koncu hladne vojne v različnih strokovnih in znanstvenih virih ter obrambno-vojaški praksi opisujejo z izrazi, ki so lahko sinonimi za opis enakih pojavov, večkrat pa so uporabljeni za opis povsem različnih, čeprav so si na prvi pogled precej podobni. V razpravi nas zanima, ali je transformacijska paradigma hibrid, katere so stične točke z revolucionarno in evolucijsko paradigmo ter kam jo umestiti. K temu dodajamo ugotovitve in stališča o primerjavi revolucij na vojaškem področju in v transformaciji. Vse za boljše razumevanje transformacijske paradigme in transformacije oboroženih sil, tako v nacionalnem kot širšem okolju. Treba je namreč priznati, da sta transformacijska paradigma in njena filozofija še nedodelani in premalo raziskani ter preizkušeni v praksi, čeprav ravno na obrambno-vojaškem področju zasledimo pomembne korake. The article presents the phenomenon of transformation and its paradigm as well as the transformation in the fields of defence and the military. First, we address border concepts and later define the transformation process and its paradigm with the terms such as consolidation, conversion, modernization, modification, restructuring, reform and reorganization, further on revolution in the military field and re-engineering, and particularly alteration and transformation. In doing so, we procees from the fact that at the end of the Cold War these phenomena of changing have been described in a variety of technical and scientific resources, as well as the defense and military practice with the terms that may be synonymous in describing the same phenomena, but are often used to describe completely different ones, although seeming similar at first. In the debate, we are interested in whether the transformational paradigm is a hybrid; which are the common points of the revolutionary and evolutionary paradigm, and where to place it. Additionally, we provide the findings and observations on the comparison of revolutions in the military sphere and the transformation, all with the aim to enable better understanding of the transformative paradigms and transformation of the armed forces, both nationally and wider. It is important to recognise that the transformational paradigm and its philosophy are still incomplete and insufficiently researched and tested in practice, although important steps have been noted just in the defence and military fields.


Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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1. Editorial: Transformation of the Armed Forces;CONTEMPORARY MILITARY CHALLENGES;2024-06-01

2. Uvodnik: Transformacija Oboroženih Sil;CONTEMPORARY MILITARY CHALLENGES;2024-06-01







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