Prispevek se ukvarja z vprašanjem sodobnega vojskovanja. Narava vojne se v času ne spreminja, spreminjajo pa se oblike in metode, s katerimi se vojne vodijo. V zadnjem času je moderno govoriti o hibridnem vojskovanju, kako ga kdo pojmuje, pa je zelo različno in odvisno od avtorjev. Članek poskuša pokazati, da pod pojmom hibridnega vojskovanja ne najdemo velikih revolucionarnih sprememb v oblikah in metodah vojskovanja in da je za zmago v sodobnem spopadu še vedno zelo relevanten koncept združenega bojevanja rodov, ki pa ga je treba razumeti v okviru sodobnega vojskovališča, katerega glavni značilnosti sta boj v informacijskem prostoru in
»hibridnost«. Članek podrobneje pogleda tudi na strukturo enot taktične ravni SV, in sicer z vidika združenega bojevanja rodov in delovanja na hibridnem vojskovališču.
The article deals with the problems of modern warfare. The nature of war does not change through time; what changes is the ways and methods of conducting it. Lately, it has been popular to talk about hybrid warfare, but its perceptions vary significantly according to authors. The aim of the article is to show that the term hybrid warfare does not bring anything revolutionary to the ways and methods of warfare and that today, the concept of combined arms is still very relevant for winning a contemporary conflict. However, it has to be perceived from the perspective of a contemporary battlefield whose main characteristics are cyber warfare and its hybrid nature. The article also discusses in detail the structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces’ tactical level in terms of combined arms and »hybrid« warfare.
Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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