Temeljni namen civilnega nadzora nad vojsko je preprečevati njuni neželeno (nedemokratično) vlogo in vedenje. V ta namen izvajalci nadzora uporabljajo mehanizme, ki morajo po eni strani zagotoviti pogoje za popolno podrejenost vojske civilnim oblastem, po drugi pa omogočiti pogoje, da lahko izpolnjuje svojo vlogo in poslanstvo v družbi. V demokratičnih družbah vojske ne pomenijo notranje grožnje, zato številni avtorji poudarjajo skrb za preudarno uporabo mehanizmov nadzora. Ti lahko negativno vplivajo na učinkovitost vojske za uresničevanje njenega poslanstva, s tem pa lahko tudi ogrožajo nacionalno varnost. Avtor v prispevku analizira odgovornost civilnih oblasti za učinkovitost vojske ter predlaga analitični model, ki omogoča ugotavljanje vzročno-posledične povezave med nadzorom in učinkovitostjo. V ta namen je oblikoval definicijo učinkovitosti in strukturo analize, ki vodi do odgovora na vprašanje, ali civilni nadzor podpira ali ovira vojsko pri doseganju učinkovitosti, nujne za uresničevanje njenega poslanstva.
The prevention of undesirable (undemocratic) role and behavior of the military within thesocietyisthemainpurposeofciviliancontrolofarmedforces. Civilianauthoritiesuse different mechanisms, on the one hand, to secure conditions for complete subordination of the military to civilian authorities, and, on the other hand, to enable prerequisites for the military to implement its role and mission within the society. Militaries no longer represent a threat to modern democracies. Therefore, many authors emphasize a need for a prudent application of control mechanisms, since they may have a negative impact on military effectiveness and may consequently threaten national security. The author analyses civilian responsibility for military effectiveness. He offers an analytical model that enables the identification of causal link between civilian control and military effectiveness. For this purpose, he develops a definition of military effectiveness, and recommends the structural analysis that can lead to an answer to whether the civilian control supports or hinders the military in achieving the required effectiveness when implementing its mission.
Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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1 articles.