Berek Tamás,Földi László,Padányi József
Tudi Madžarski je, podobno kot drugim državam, vse pomembneje, da ima ustrezno podlago za prilagajanje na ekstremne vremenske pojave, ki jih povzročajo podnebne spremembe. Kot strateški odziv na te izzive je bilo v zadnjem času razvitih več pravnih in tehničnih predpisov. V tem procesu sodeluje tudi obrambni resor, zato so v prispevku na primeru madžarskih obrambnih sil izpostavljeni primarna okolijska tveganja, povezana z vojsko, in nekatere možnosti za »bolj zeleno« delovanje oboroženih sil. Majhna država, kot je Madžarska, teh neželenih globalnih procesov ne more ustaviti, si pa prizadeva omiliti posledice in se čim bolj prilagoditi spremembam. Tako lahko tudi poveča svojo odpornost na podnebne spremembe.
Ključne besede
Podnebne spremembe, prilagajanje, odpornost, bojevanje, varnost.
It has become important for Hungary, like other countries, to have a proper background in order to adapt to extreme weather phenomena caused by climate change. Several legal and technical regulations have been developed recently as strategic answers to these challenges. The defence sector also takes part in this process, so this paper highlights the primary environmental risks concerning the military, and presents some possibilities for the armed forces to be “greener”, based on the example of the Hungarian Defence Forces. A small country such as Hungary, of course, cannot stop these unwanted global processes; the goal is to ease the consequences and adapt to the changes as much as possible in order to increase climate resilience.
Climate change, adaptation, resilience, warfare, security.
Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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