The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325) celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2015. This year, the Republic of Slovenia (RS) and the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) both celebrate their 25th anniversary of Independence. The policy on gender equality, also considered in the SAF’s conditions of employment, has applied since the very beginning of the independent RS. Even though during the first years the RS and the SAF underwent some developmental processes, there were no legally forbidden areas for female personnel, nor programmes or branches which excluded the participation of women in the SAF. Women are represented throughout the SAF structure, from the tactical to the strategic levels of command, including decision-making positions both in Slovenia and abroad. The highest rank in the SAF held by a woman since 2011 is that of Brigadier. The overall percentage of women in the SAF structure is between 15% and 16% performing active duty in the past decade. Women have been deployed to international operations and missions since the deployment of the first Slovenian contingent in 1997. The implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the integration of gender perspective are applied through different processes, such as education, pre-deployment training and operational planning, among others. This paper demonstrates some selected best practices of the SAF on the integration of gender perspective and the implementation of UNSCR 1325.
Leta 2015 je Resolucija Varnostnega sveta 1325 o ženskah, miru in varnosti praznovala 15-letnico. Letos praznujemo 25-letnico samostojnosti Republike Slovenije in slovenskih oboroženih sil. Politika enakosti spolov, ki je bila upoštevana tudi v pogojih za zaposlitev v Slovenski vojski, je v veljavi vse od začetka samostojnosti RS. Kljub temu da so v prvih letih v RS in slovenskih oboroženih silah potekali razvojni procesi, ni bilo prepovedi razporejanja žensk na vojaške dolžnosti niti programov ali področij dela, v katera vključevanje žensk v oboroženih silah ne bi bilo mogoče. Ženske so zastopane v celotni strukturi SV, od taktične do strateške ravni poveljevanja, vključno s položaji odločanja v Sloveniji in tujini. Najvišji čin, ki ga od leta 2011 ima ženska v SV, je brigadirski. V strukturi SV je bilo v zadnjih desetih letih skupno zaposlenih od 15 do 16 odstotkov žensk. Ženske pripadnice sodelujejo v mednarodnih operacijah in na misijah od prvega slovenskega kontingenta, ki je bil napoten leta 1997. Izvajanje resolucije VS OZN 1325 in vidika spola sta vključena v izvajanje različnih procesov, kot so izobraževanje, usposabljanje za mednarodne operacije in misije, operativno načrtovanje in drugo. V članku so predstavljene nekatere dobre prakse SV na področju vključevanja vidika spola in izvajanja resolucije VS OZN 1325.
Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Reference33 articles.
1. Action plan of the Republic of Slovenia for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions No. 1325 and 1820 on Women, Peace and Security for the period 2010-2015, 2010. http://www.mzz.gov.si/fileadmin/pageuploads/Zunanja_politika/CP/NAN1325.pdf /, 19 March 2016.
2. Bi-Strategic Command Directive (BI-SCD) 40-1, 2012. NATO.
3. Conference on Gender Perspectives and Security in SEE, Agenda, 2016. http://www.racviac.org/downloads/2016/SSR-H2-W-16_agenda.pdf, 1 November 2016.
4. CWINF Guidance for NATO Gender Mainstreaming, 2003. Committee on Women in the NATO Forces. Brussels: NATO.
5. Concepts and definitions, UN Women, 2006.http://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/ conceptsandefinitions.htm 30 October 2016.