People are the core of your offering. However sophisticated tech gets, there is no replacement for knowledgeable, supportive staff who can communicate the values of your business. Guests bring their habits with them. In unfamiliar settings, those habits are what they’ll default to. It is the job of you and your staff to give your guests the information, skills, and resources needed to conserve. Travellers want green solutions. Do not by shy about your green initiatives. Share them! Communicate what they are and the difference they make to the local community. You’ll be surprised how many guests want to participate. Make the benefits clear and transparent. ‘Save the planet’ is well-intentioned but vague messaging. ‘Conserve resources and raise money for the local animal sanctuary at the same time’ is concrete and exciting – something to feel proud of. Sustainable hospitality requires shared interests and passions. Guests and staff being on the same wavelength is essential to conserving, and done right it actually improves the hospitality experience.
Reference31 articles.
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2. Andereck, K. (2009). Tourists' perceptions of environmentally responsible innovations at tourism businesses. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(4), 489-499.
3. Tourists' perceptions of environmentally responsible innovations at tourism businesses
4. Axsen, J., TyreeHageman, J. & Lentz, A. (2012) Lifestyle practices and pro-environmental technology. Ecological Economics, 82, 64-74.
5. Lifestyle practices and pro-environmental technology