1. Cousins, W., and Smith, W. , 2004. Estimated losses due to post-earthquake fire in three New Zealand cities, inProceedings, New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering Conference, paper 28.
2. Cousins, W., Thomas, G., Llyodd, D., Heron, D., and Mazzoni, S. , 2002.Estimating Risks from Fire Following Earthquake, Research Report Number 27. New Zealand Fire Service Commission, Wellington. (Also available as a PDF at http://www.fire.org.nz/research/reports/reports/Report_27.htm)
3. Cousins, W., Thomas, G., Heron, D., Schmid, R., and Lukovic, B. , 2003. Modeling the spread of post-earthquake fire, inProceedings, Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Christchurch, NZ.
4. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) , 1999.HAZUS99 Technical Manual. Developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through agreements with the National Institute of Building Sciences. Washington DC, 732 pp.