The Role of Christian Educators in Guiding the spiritual growth of GKSI People in Sanggau West Kalimantan


Mau Marthen1ORCID,Sirait Junio Richson2ORCID,Amid Markus1,Kotte Yohanes3ORCID,Hutahaean Hasahatan4ORCID


1. Atastamar Evangelical Theological College (SETIA) Ngabang, Indonesia

2. Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kadesi Yogyakarta, Indonesia

3. Anjungan Theological High School (STT Ati) Pontianak, Indonesia

4. Atastamar Evangelical Theological College (SETIA) Jakarta, Indonesia


The spiritual growth of God's people at Gereja Kristen Setia Indonesia (GKSI) Sanggau, West Kalimantan, is urgently needed. Christian educators serving at GKSI Sanggau have an important role to play in guiding the spiritual growth of the people. To realize the spiritual growth of God's people at GKSI Sanggau, Christian educators need to play a proactive role in conveying the truth of God's word, teaching the truth of God's word, conducting evangelism, carrying out counseling, and make visits to all God's people in their homes so as to share the truth of God's word. The problem posed is that some of God's people have not experienced spiritual growth, so Christian educators are needed to carry out their role well in overcoming various problems faced by God's people. The issues include doctrinal problems or teaching God's word at all, personal problems with families related to inheritance, problems of laziness to attend worship to God because they prioritize traditions or customs and traditional beliefs more, close their hearts when God's word is preached in the form of teaching, some do not have good habits in reading God's word, are less effective in praying, and may often tend to prioritize their interests rather than glorifying God's name. This study aims to interrogate the role of Christian educators in guiding the spiritual growth of God's people at GKSI Sanggau, West Kalimantan so that God's people can experience spiritual growth according to the truth of God's word. This research uses qualitative methods through data processing of interviews and relevant literature. The findings of this study are that the more serious Christian educators are in guiding the spiritual growth of God's people, the more their spirituality will take root, grow, and experience significant life changes.




Philosophy,Religious studies,Archeology

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