1. Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Taurutung, Tarutung, Indonesia
The lives of the younger generation continue to be attacked by the spirit of an increasingly secular and immoral era, and especially students. This study aims to provide an eschatological picture that boils down to ethical and moral values required to foster student spirituality. This study used a quantitative approach with instruments in the form of a questionnaire. Respondents were students of a state religious institute in the Sumatra region, with a sample size of 100 people being utilized. The data was analyzed using simple linear regression. From field tests, it was found that understanding values in eschatology affects students' spirituality by 74.3%, while 25.7% is influenced by other factors. The Apostle Paul's eschatology influenced his ethical actions and he was obedient to God, living according to God's will, living a life pleasing to God, and doing holy things with the hope of living forever with God in His eternal Kingdom. Spirituality, is a multifaceted quality involving a deep search for answers to life’s “big questions” and of course the end-times and eschatology are the greatest issue for Christians and critical aspects to learn about if spirituality is to be enhanced in students.
Philosophy,Religious studies,Archeology
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