Post COVID-19 Effect on the Working Ability of Women with reference to Indore City



During 2020, labor markets were disrupted by COVID-19 pandemic which significantly affected the Working Ability of Women. Since the start of pandemic, it was the women who were severely affected with worse work-life balance. They experienced a dramatic rise in their household chores like care giving responsibilities due to self-quarantine interventions and lockdowns which hindered their performance. Pressure of playing multiple roles at home and doing justice with their job roles demanded more time, focus and energy. And deficit of these affected their work ability. Working ability is the function of physical and mental wellbeing. Therefore, this study tries to focus on the working ability of women. The primary purpose of the study was to compare working ability of women on the basis of demographic profile variables such as age, marital status, education level, family size and sector they work in. To achieve the purpose, five hypotheses were formulated and data was collected through structured questionnaire having 10 statements on 5-point likert scale along with basic information of respondents. Final sample size for the study was 72. Data was analysed using independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA. The major chunk (39%) of the respondents were from the age group 35-40 years; about 86% respondents were married and about 53% women were post-graduate. The results of the study reported that work ability of women significantly differ on the basis of age, marital status, education level, family size and sector they work in.


Influential Scholarly Research Publication


Ocean Engineering,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,General Medicine

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