1. Tamir Klaff, Underwater Advanced Time-Domain Electromagnetic System, MR-201313 PI- Tamir Klaff, Tomas Bell, Empirical Investigation of the Factors Influencing Marine Applications of EMI –MR-2409
2. Stephen Billings, SERDP-Project # MR-2412: Determining Detection and Classification Potential of Munitions Using Advanced EMI Sensors in the Underwater Environment.
3. Barry Spargo, SERDP-Project MR-2500: Effects of Target Corrosion on Advanced EMI Signatures in Underwater Environments.
4. Mr. Jonathan Miller, ESTCP Project# MR-201614 “Underwater Dynamic Classification Technology”
5. Barry Spargo, ESTCP Project# MR-201610 “Underwater EMI Sensor Platform for Metallic Item Detection”.