1. Review of ladar: a historic, yet emerging, sensor technology with rich phenomenology
2. DARPA-STO BAA-12-65, “Laser Radar Technology (LRT)”, Technical Area One and Two, 19 October 2012, https://www.fbo.gov/utils/view?id=61bca5826b04a24dab8925edc1bfa9da
3. Near infrared single photon avalanche detector with negative feedback and self quenching;Linga,2009
4. Amplification Technologies, Inc., “DAPD TO8 Series Thermoelectrically Cooled Discrete Amplification Photon Detector”, October 2009, http://www.amplificationtechnologies.com/DAPDTO8.pdf
5. High-gain and low-excess noise near-infrared single-photon avalanche detector arrays;Linga,2010