1. About the type of polar stratospheric clouds observed in January 1995 over the city of Tomsk;El’nikov,2004
2. Cheremisin A.A., Kushnarenko A.V., Marichev V.N., Nikolashkin S.V. meteorological condition and polar stratospheric clouds over Yakutsk in winter 2005/05, Meteorology and Hydrology, 2007, No. 3, 43–53.
3. Transport of polar stratospheric clouds from Arctic to Tomsk in winter 2010;Cheremisin,2013
4. Lidar observations of volcanic aerosol layers in the stratosphere of Western Siberia in 2008–2010;Marichev,2011
5. Lidar observations of stratospheric aerosol layer over Western Siberia;El'nikov,1988