1. A. A. L. M. Velpeau,Traite des Maladies du Sein et de la Region Mammaire, Paris (1853). [Translated into English by M. Henry,A Treatise on the Diseases of the Breast and Mammary Region, printed for the Sydenham Society, London (1856)].
2. R. L. Virchow,Disease, Life and Man; Selected Essays, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA (1958).
3. Arthur Purdy Stout (1885–1967)
4. A. R. Moritz, “Pathology and Legal Matters,” inMedicine in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County: 12810-1976, K. L. Brown, Ed., pp. 188–230, The Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH (1977).