1. KIRAS, “Project details”, (27 March 2018). url: http://kiras.at/gefoerderte-projekte/detail/d/securescue/
2. RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH, “Datasheet VUX-1UAV,” (27 March 2018). url: http://www.riegl.com/uploads/tx_pxpriegldownloads/RIEGL_VUX-lUAV_Datasheet_2017-09-01_01.pdf
3. Sagetech, “MX Family of Transponders,” (29 March 2018). url: https://sagetech.com/mx-transponders/
4. GIHMM GmbH, “Datasheet RS04” (04 April 2018). url: http://www.gihmm.com/portfolio-item/rs04-x/#1494691837598-2ca7b8af-dcfc
5. UAV-based multi-sensor system with real-time data processing and downlink for survey of nuclear disaster locations for first-responder support;Thomas,2017