1. “Directed-Energy Weapons: Promise and Prospects”, J. D. Ellis, 20YY Series, 04/2015, Center for a New American Security.
2. “U.S. Navy Conducts Historic Test of New Laser Weapon System” Naval News, April 2022 https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2022/04/u-s-navy-conducts-historic-test-of-new-laser-weapon-system/
3. Tactical Advanced Laser Optical System https://www.talos-padr.eu/
4. High-Energy Laser Weapon Integration with Ground Vehicles;Hafften,2004
5. MBDA and ALPhANOV inaugurate a laser vulnerability laboratory in Bordeaux, 11/04/2019 https://www.mbda-systems.com/press-releases/mbda-and-alphanov-inaugurate-a-test-lab-for-laser-weapons-in-bordeaux/