1. COPAC = Coherent Optical PArallel Computing; consortium: ULg: University of Liège; HUJI: Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel; UNIPD: University of Padua; CNR: Italian National Research Council; PB: ProbaYes Software; KL: KiloLambda Technologies. https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/fet-open-january-2017-cut-evaluation-results-28-proposals-selected-funding
2. Molecular Decision Trees Realized by Ultrafast Electronic Spectroscopy;Fresch,2013
3. Information processing in parallel through directionally resolved molecular polarization components in coherent multidimensional spectroscopy
4. Parallel and Multivalued Logic by the Two-Dimensional Photon-Echo Response of a Rhodamine–DNA Complex
5. Coherent electronic energy transfer in biological and artificial multichromophoric systems;Collini,2013