"In this study, a techno-economic analysis of meeting the electricity need of a house from photovoltaic panels in the Central district of Kütahya was made. In order to meet the electricity needs of the house, a 3.6 kWp Off-Grid system was considered, and polycrystalline and monocrystalline panel technologies were evaluated separately. For both panel technologies, theoretical production values were calculated by using meteorological data of Kütahya province. As a result of this; The annual theoretical electricity production value of the monocrystalline system was 7832 kWh, and the annual theoretical electricity production value of the polycrystalline system was 5324 kWh. In addition, the cost analysis of the systems was carried out and the payback periods were calculated as 3.45 years for the monocrystalline system and 3.38 years for the polycrystalline system. "
Academia de Stiinte Tehnice in Romania
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