A novel smart instrument for multilevel alerting and multivariable monitoring of urinary absorption process into a textile medium




This paper presents a novel instrumentation device for instantaneous digital acquisition and processing, of the urine flow absorbed by a textile medium. The proposed device is smart version of a basic instrument studied in previous research works. Arduino framework is used as the development tool of the main C++ instrumentation sketch for ESP32 microchip target. The proposed smart device owes its novelty to many relevant factors including a hardware simplicity of the unary sensor, a multilevel alerting strategy, as well as a multivariable monitoring process. In the wireless side, a serial Bluetooth terminal application is used as driver for smartphone-based virtual monitoring of involved output variables. Furthermore, an experimental workbench built for testing the proposed device is presented. Finally, the technical characteristics and experimental results obtained and presented in the paper, show the innovative nature of the proposed device for bioinstrumentation engineering.


Academia de Stiinte Tehnice in Romania

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