"Elements of circular economy in the manufacture of NdFeB permanent magnets IN ICPE-CA "




"In the life cycle of the product, the link between the initial phase and the final stage in its realization is the recycling through the rehabilitation of materials in the production process. This gives circularity to the economy, thus minimizing consumption of natural resources, optimizing manufacturing costs, creating new jobs, developing business. The paper describes in a conclusive example the defining elements of the circular economy. We present this example for the simplicity of our demonstration. This mode allows a direct and edifying treatment of the defining elements of the circular economy. We have chosen as a product the permanent magnets based on rare earths of the NdFeB type. The choice is targeted because NdFeB permanent magnets are expensive products, so the benefits being obvious. We demonstrate the manufacturing of NdFeB permanent magnets with defined magnetic properties from raw materials, their use in products (for ex. in synchronous electric motors) and at the end of the life cycle of motors, the recovery of permanent magnets with the possibility of obtaining the powders used initially in the technological process to manufacture new NdFeB permanent magnets with similar magnetic properties and the possibility of their use in electrotechnical products. Even if, following a piece to piece sorting of the permanent magnets after magnetic parameters of the resulting products would remain scrap, they could be recycled in the same way so that the amount of waste would ultimately be minimal. Finally, we present a recycling technology of NdFeB permanent magnets based on one of our patents filed in 1998. "


Academia de Stiinte Tehnice in Romania

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