Ramadhani Nurfijrin,Herlina Herlina,Pratiwi Anjani Chintya
<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong>Protein yang terdapat dalam makanan hewani seperti telur dikatakan sebagai protein sempurna. Telur terbagi atas bagian kuning dan putih yang mempunyai nilai protein yang berbeda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar protein putih dan kuning telur dari 2 jenis telur ayam. Pada penelitian ini teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode <em>purposive sampling</em>, dimana pengambilan sampel sesuai dengan persyaratan, yaitu 2 jenis telur ayam, telur ayam ras dan telur ayam kampung dengan karakteristik tidak busuk, kulit telur tanpa bercak, kulit telur berwarna coklat/putih bersih, mutu kesegaran telur penyimpanan kurang dari 1 minggu. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu analisis kualitatif protein menggunakan metode pereaksi warna biuret, sedangkan analisis kuantitatif menggunakan spektrofotometri sinar tampak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar protein pada putih telur ayam ras memiliki kadar terendah 863,3 mg/mL dan pada kuning telur ayam kampung memiliki kadar protein tertinggi 1.229,5 mg/mL, dan kadar protein putih telur ayam kampung 945,07 mg/mL, kuning telur ayam ras 930,9 mg/mL.</p><p align="center"><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong>Protein, Telur AyamRas, Telur Ayam Kampung, Biuret, SpektrofotometriVis</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Comparison of protein </em></strong><strong><em>level </em></strong><strong><em>in eggs </em></strong><strong><em>using </em></strong><strong><em>spectrophotometry</em></strong></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><pre><em>Proteins contained in animal foods such as eggs are said to be perfect proteins. Eggs are divided into yellow and white parts that have different protein values. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in levels of white and egg yolk protein from 2 types of chicken eggs. In this study the sampling technique used a purposive sampling method, where sampling was in accordance with the requirements, namely 2 types of chicken eggs, chicken eggs and native chicken eggs with characteristics not rot, eggshells without blotches, brown / white egg shells, quality egg storage freshness less than 1 week. The research method used was qualitative analysis of proteins using the biuret color reagent method, while quantitative analysis using visible spectrophotometry. The results showed that protein content in race chicken egg whites had the lowest levels of 863.3 mg/mL and in chicken egg yolks had the highest protein content of 1229.5 mg/mL, and the protein content of free-range egg white chicken 945.07 mg/mL, race chicken egg yolk 930.9 mg/mL</em></pre><pre><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Protein, Ras-Chicken Egg, Village Chicken Egg, Biuret, Vis Spectrophotometry</em></pre>
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science
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