Despite prevalent electrical shortages in various regions, refrigeration remains imperative for diverse applications. This study explored the viability of recovering underutilized energy in the context of sustained demand for electricity in both urban and rural areas of the Philippines. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), commonly used in the Philippines for heating and cooking, has properties that can be used as refrigerant, and stands out for its zero-ozone depletion potential (ODP) and low global warming potential (GWP). The study focused on the design and development of a refrigerator using LPG as the refrigerant and compressor. Various factors, such as pressure drop, temperature change, enthalpy change, and heat loss, were analyzed throughout the experimental process, encompassing design formulation, analysis, simulation, fabrication, experimentation, and performance evaluation. Raw data from three 3-hour tests were collected and analyzed. Results indicated a time-dependent decrease in pressure, a notable water temperature change, and an increase in the coefficient of performance (COP) value over time. The maximum COP achieved was 1.78, coupled with a water temperature of -3.50˚C. Despite the obtained COP being lower than that of a typical domestic refrigerator, the observed refrigeration effect was evident. The findings underscore LPG’s potential as a viable and environmentally responsible alternative in refrigeration systems.
Western Philippines University
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