Risonanza Magnetica della Mammella con i moderni scanner 3T: principi fisici e vantaggi tecnici rispetto alle apparecchiature 1,5 T


Calogero Curatolo1,Vincenzo Santoro1


1. TSRM Agrigento-Caltanissetta


In recent decades the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) world, for diagnostic uses, offered a very rapid and extremely dynamic and necessary technological evolution. Recently approved in Italy also for clinical use, in addition to the scientific one, the introduction of very high-field MRI, or 3 Tesla, provided considerable benefits. Therefore, the high magnetic field (3T) allows an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and in spatial and temporal resolution, and other several advantages. Certainly, there are some disadvantages, which can be found in the field of protectionism and safety, due to the increase in intensity of the static magnetic field and, specifically, to the increase in Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). Many applications of MRI improved significantly, among these, the brest MRI study, where the 3T magnetic field allows an increase of diagnostic accuracy in terms of specificity, providing a better visualization and characterization of breast lesions presenting post-contrastographic enhancement, so breast cancer and other lesions, showing a progressive better application field. Magnetic resonance is an emerging application with great potential, and the spread of very high-field scanners will allow 3 Tesla to become the excellence for many studies, especially in breast imaging.


Ordine TSRM PSTRP di Napoli, Avellino, Benevento


Earth-Surface Processes

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