The TSRM on the front line to face the Covid-19 emergency


Alessandro De Fronzo1ORCID


1. Diagnostic Radiographer working at “D. Cotugno” Hospital in Naples specialized in infectious and emergencies viral diseases – Naples, AOC Colli.


Covid-19 infection is strongly increasing, becoming an emergency at a global level: the incredible number of infections as well as the large number percentage of deaths forced the WHO (World Organization of Health) to declare the pandemic emergency, pushing a large part of world governments to adopt important security measures. The whole medical-health community has the duty to deal with the emergency by considering that the infection has a high viral load which causes an easy diffusion, especially among health workers, currently the subjects more exposed. To avoid infection it is important to ritualize your own professional practice with specific protocols and maximum means of prevention and protection. The clinical background of the most serious infected patients is actually characterized by a chest imaging due to interstitial pneumonia, This circumstance gives radiology a key role in the battle against this enemy that is still completely unknown. The Radiographers are among the most exposed categories in the healthcare landscape as they are they operate with direct contact to the patient during radiological examinations, that is although they are not always properly trained for this kind of events. This work has an ambitious claim to clarify which are the indispensable PPE (personal protective equipment), but above to point out all behaviors and procedures to be implemented to avoid contagion and contamination of the workplace.


Ordine TSRM PSTRP di Napoli, Avellino, Benevento


Earth-Surface Processes

Reference9 articles.

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