
Kovalyova A. A.1


1. Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Yerevan, Armenia


The analysis of scientific and methodological literature has enabled us to state that plasticity is characteristic of all motor actions close to perfection. It reflects their specific character and, with its various manifestations, emphasizes the diversity of human motor activity. Plasticity of movements, being an important qualitative aspect of motor activity, reflects the level of motor fitness. Insufficient study of various manifestations of students' plastic movement has been revealed, which confirms the relevance of this study. The purpose of the research is to the study of movement plasticity of students with various levels of motor readiness. The following research methods were used: the study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, and methods of mathematical statistics. To determine the level of development of movement plasticity, a number of tests characterizing its various manifestations were used. This article provides the results of eight tests. The study involved 72 ASIPSC and YSU 1st and 3rd course students, who were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group were 38 students: 16 girls and 22 boys engaged in sports and the 2nd group were 34 students, 18 girls and 16 boys respectively not engaged in sports. Studies of various manifestations of plastic movements both group students revealed an ambiguous picture. As expected, the student-athletes, both boys and girls, performed better with the control tasks. Diverse motor fitness, motor experience contributed to an average higher manifestation of plasticity of movements. Along with this, as the results of the study showed, the plasticity of movements in various types of motor activity has particular manifestations, and its development requires the purposeful use of means and methods aimed at increasing artistry, elegancy, and expressiveness of movements. The data obtained in the course of the study on the plasticity of movements, as one of the manifestations of motor coordination, provide a general concept of the quality of its performance, and allow us to estimate the degree of formation of students’ general culture of motor.


Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport

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