1. Armenian-Russian University
We aimed to perform a post-examination arising from the requirements of the current stage, which is aimed at revealing the functional importance of special health-saving means in the system of physical education of the young.
Research objectives are to: to reveal the correlation of forms of physical activity among students through a sociological survey, to identify the limits of physical workability in different energy-saving zones with the help of laboratory studies. to determine the correlation structure of indicators of workability shown by students in five zones of energy supply and change in indicators in the process of physical training.
Training with physical load up to 3 hours in a weekly cycle only compensates for the level of physical fitness. Therefore, 3-6 hours of training is the best period that positively effects the level of physical fitness.
A direct connection of health-improving and health-saving special means between arterial zones regulating the direction of physical activity has been revealed.
Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport
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