Machine Learning based Disease and Pest detection in Agricultural Crops


S Balasubramaniam,Nelson Sandra Grace,M Arishma,Rajan Anjali S,K Satheesh Kumar


INTRODUCTION: Most Indians rely on agricultural work as their primary means of support, making it an essential part of the country’s economy. Disasters and the expected loss of farmland by 2050 as a result of global population expansion raise concerns about food security in that year and beyond. The Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Analytics are all examples of smart agricultural technologies that can help the farmers enhance their operation and make better decisions. OBJECTIVES: In this paper, machine learning based system has been developed for solving the problem of crop disease and pest prediction, focussing on the chilli crop as a case study. METHODS: The performance of the suggested system has been assessed by employing performance metrics like accuracy, Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). RESULTS: The experimental results reveals that the proposed method obtained accuracy of 0.90, MSE of 0.37, MAE of 0.15, RMSE of 0.61 CONCLUSION: This model will predict pests and diseases and notify farmers using a combination of the Random Forest Classifier, the Ada Boost Classifier, the K Nearest Neighbour, and Logistic Regression. Random Forest is the most accurate model.


European Alliance for Innovation n.o.







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