S SakthiMurugan,A Sanjay Kumaar,Vignesh Vishnu,P Santhi
Organisations and people are seriously threatened by zero-day vulnerabilities because they may be utilised by attackers to infiltrate systems and steal private data. Currently, Machine Learning (ML) techniques are crucial for finding zero-day vulnerabilities since they can analyse huge datasets and find patterns that can point to a vulnerability. This research’s goal is to provide a reliable technique for detecting intruders and zero-day vulnerabilities in software systems. The suggested method employs a Deep Learning (DL) model and an auto-encoder model to find unusual data patterns. Additionally, a model for outlier detection that contrasts the autoencoder model with the single class-based Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique will be developed. The dataset of known vulnerabilities and intrusion attempts will be used to train and assess the models.
European Alliance for Innovation n.o.