Relationship Between Glucose, Prealbumin, and HbA1c in Hypoglycemic Patients


Palaz Bayram1ORCID,İşler Yeşim2ORCID,Kaya Halil2ORCID


1. Bandırma State Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Balıkesir

2. University of Health Sciences Turkey, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Bursa


Background: To investigate whether there is a relationship between glucose values and prealbumin and HbA1c in hypoglycemic patients and to determine their use as predictive values in minimizing hypoglycemic episodes or determining the measures to be taken. Material and Methods: The study included 200 patients admitted to the emergency department within 1 year. Age, gender, complaints, presence of chronic disease history, nutritional status, glucose, prealbumin and HbA1c values were recorded. Results: In our study, no significant difference was found between the mean ages of the case group and the control group (p>0.05). Gender distributions were similar. Blood glucose levels were significantly lower and HbA1c levels were significantly higher in the case group (p˂0.05). No significant difference was found when prealbumin values were compared (p>0.05). Patients presenting with hypoglycemic attacks were more likely to have moderate or poor nutritional status (p˂0.05). Conclusıons: We found that HbA1c value was high and prealbumin value was low in hypoglycemic patients. This shows that nutrition is one of the important criteria as well as drug use in diabetic patients, especially in terms of hypoglycemia risk.


Acil Tip Uzmanlari Dernegi

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