Panic attacks are severe attacks of fear and anxiety that occur at certain times. It starts suddenly and quickly reaches the top. It can take from 1-2 minutes to several hours. Chest pain is a common symptom of panic attacks. Especially the presence of chest pain causes repetitive emergency deparment admissions. In this study, we evaluated the patients who presented to the emergency department with chest pain and panic attack symptoms. We aimed to prevent the inappropriate treatment given to these patients by investigating the panic attack patients for whom the diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome was ruled out.
This study was carried out retrospectively. 32 patients with chest pain among 136 patients diagnosed with panic attack in the Emergency Department. The demographic information, complaints, chronic diseases of the patients and the results of the blood tests were recorded.
Patients with a diagnosis of panic attack frequently apply to emergency services. Among the patients, women were in the majority and the average age of all patients was 41 years. More than half of the patients had tomography, ultrasound, echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging. The analysis and imaging results requested from the patients were normal. Most of the patients who present to the emergency department with chest pain complaints are discharged after excluding life-threatening conditions, saying that there is no acute condition. In fact, the main reason for this is the inadequate communication with the patient. However, the underlying condition in patients is likely to be panic attacks. It is important to evaluate non-cardiac chest pain in emergency departments. In this way, unnecessary analysis is not done, time management is healthier and most importantly, patients do not use unnecessary medication.
Acil Tip Uzmanlari Dernegi