Mkrtchyan V. K.,Mickaelian A. M.,Abrahamyan H. V.,Mikayelyan G. A.,Paronyan G. M.
Activity in galaxies has mainly two major forms: Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and Starburst (SB). Moreover, different types of AGN have different morphology. However, this question has not yet been properly investigated and due to old low-quality images, the morphology of many galaxies is not well described. SDSS images give a good possibility to homogeneously classify galaxies and investigate differences by the activity types. The concentration of the central part and the ratio between the central bulge and the total flux is a subject for detailed study. We use SDSS images to classify different types of active galaxies (both AGN and Starburst) and understand differences between QSOs, Seyferts 1 and 2, LINERS and Composites, as well as Starburst galaxies. The best expectation from our study will be the preliminary classification of active galaxies into activity types based on the images and before having their spectral types.
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
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