Psychometric Properties of Nurse Cultural Competence Scale among Filipino Nurses


Soriano GilORCID


Purpose: Assessment of the cultural competence of nurses is becoming an important parameter in assessing the provision of quality care to patients especially in multicultural populations such as the Philippines. The study was conducted to assess the construct validity and internal consistency reliability of the Nurse Cultural Competence Scale (NCCS) among Filipino nurses. Methods: A methodological study was utilized and a convenience sample of 124 Filipino nurses were included in the study. An exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the construct validity of the instrument while internal consistency reliability was determined using Cronbach’s α coefficient and item-total correlations. Results: The 20-item NCCS was loaded on one dimension with factor loadings ranging from 0.72 to 0.95, explaining 79.19% of the total variance. Cronbach’s α was 0.986 which demonstrated high reliability and item-total correlations were between 0.811 and 0.929. Conclusion: The NCCS is a reliable and valid instrument for the measurement of cultural competencies among Filipino nurses. Keywords: Cultural competence, Filipino nurses, Reliability, Validity


Medical and Surgical Research Journals Group (MSRJGroup)

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