In this paper, an Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) which can carry and communicate with an Unmanned Ground
Vehicle (UGV - Rover) is designed and realized. In this context, one UAV and one Rover are designed separately. The Rover is designed much smaller than the UAV as it is carried by the UAV and it can make its own movement after leaving the UAV near the area where it will be operated. At this stage, the carrier UAV acts as a communication relay, providing communication between the central control station and the Rover. Using nRF24L01 transceiver modules on each of the central control station, carrier UAV and the Rover, communication between them is achieved via programming as being master or slave. The relay communication system is designed on Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocolof nRF24L01 transceiver modules. The Rover is also equipped with a camera on it to record videos and to take pictures. Both the UAV and the Rover were designed especially in order to reduce the energy consumption of them. Hence the Rover is designed as small in size and light as possible. By taking into account the equipment, batteries and motors that the vehicles will carry, the best design has been tried to be implemented in order to increase
their ranges and reduce energy consumptions. It is possible to use it in the defence industry for military purposes, in places where bomb detection or long-range access is difficult with a single UAV, where land access is required.
Balkan Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (BAJECE)