An approach to the mathematical description of the criterion for the effectiveness of a new object of research – virtual promotion is presented in thepaper. The emergence of this new object of research is connected, on the one hand, with the classical theory of marketing, and on the other withmodern Internet technologies. Marketing is based on the 4P principle: product, price, location and promotion. Promotion is a component of thisprinciple. But in modern conditions, this phenomenon is changing under the influence of the Internet. Now this 4P component is becoming a fullyvirtual instrument. The traditional scheme of promotion functioning is as follows. A message is created to a potential buyer and the delivery channel ofthis message undergoes a change. It is based on the principle: money – goods – money. While the new sales scheme is described by the scheme: weattract a client, make money on a client, we spend money. In the new scheme, we deal with product knowledge in the form of the so-called semanticcore of web content. Knowledge describes for a potential client how a given product can cover his need for something. Using the logistic principles ofthe transfer of goods, this semantic core is loaded into the specified Internet nodes. That is, virtual promotion is formed as two channels: logistics andmarketing. The first one performs three operations: concentration, formatting and distribution of semantic cores on the Internet. The second managesthis process, forming a virtual promotion map. This map is a graph of Internet nodes. It is required to define such a tree of Internet nodes so that virtualpromotion has maximum efficiency. The paper analyzes modern metrics related to the processes of search engine optimization on the Internet.Unfortunately, these metrics evaluate only statistically after the fact of visiting a web resource or the budget of the Internet site in which theadvertising message about the product was placed. Therefore, based on the conversion metric, a criterion for the effectiveness of virtual promotion wasproposed in the work, which takes into account both the attractiveness of the semantic core and the attractiveness of the Internet site where thesemantic core will be located. The criterion reflects the income that we receive depending on the attractiveness of the semantic kernel and the Internetsite.
National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
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