Treatment-resistant hypertension in a post-transplant patient with cystic fibrosis: a rare case of phaeochromocytoma


Tansey David Joseph1,Egan Jim John23,Murray Michelle23,Padfield Katie43,Conneely John53,Hatunic Mensud13


1. 1Department of EndocrinologyMater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

2. 2Department of Respiratory Medicine and Lung & Heart TransplantationMater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

3. 5UCD School of MedicineUniversity College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

4. 3Department of AnesthesiaMater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

5. 4Department of General SurgeryMater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland


Summary Phaeochromocytoma is a rare catecholamine-producing tumour. We present the case of phaeochromocytoma in a young man with a background history of a double-lung transplant for cystic fibrosis (CF). Clinical case: A 25-year-old man, with a background history of CF, CF-related diabetes (CFRD) and a double-lung transplant in 2012 was presented to the emergency department with crampy abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. He was diagnosed with distal intestinal obstructions syndrome (DIOS). Contrast-enhanced CT imaging of the abdomen and pelvis showed a 3.4 cm right adrenal lesion. This was confirmed by a subsequent MRI of adrenal glands that demonstrated moderate FDG uptake, suggestive of a diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma. The patient was noted to be hypertensive with a blood pressure averaging 170/90 mm/Hg despite treatment with three different anti-hypertensive medications – amlodipine, telmisartan and doxazosin. He had hypertension for the last 3 years and had noted increasingly frequent sweating episodes recently, without palpitations or headache. Laboratory analysis showed elevated plasma normetanephrines (NMN) of 3167 pmol/L (182–867) as well as elevated metanephrines (MN) of 793 pmol/L (61–377) and a high 3-MT of 257 pmol/L (<185). Once cathecholamine excess was identified biochemically, we proceeded to functional imaging to further investigate. MIBG scan showed a mild increase in the uptake of tracer to the right adrenal gland compared to the left. The case was discussed at a multidisciplinary (MDT) meeting at which the diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma was made. Following a challenging period of 4 weeks to control the patient’s blood pressure with an alpha-blocker and beta-blocker, the patient had an elective right adrenalectomy, with normalisation of his blood pressure post-surgery. The histopathology of the excised adrenal gland was consistent with a 3 cm phaeochromocytoma with no adverse features associated with malignant potential. Learning points Five to ten per cent of patients have a secondary cause for hypertension. Phaeochromocytomas are rare tumours, originating in chromaffin cells and they represent 0.1–1.0% of all secondary hypertension cases. Secondary causes should be investigated in cases where: Patient is presenting <20 years of age or >50 years of age, There is refractory hypertension, or There is serious end-organ damage present. Patients may present with the triad of headache, sweating and palpitations or more vague, non-specific symptoms. Patients with suspected phaeochromocytoma should have 24-h urinary catecholamines measured and if available, plasma metanephrines measured. Those with abnormal biochemical tests should be further investigated with imaging to locate the tumour. Medical treatment involves alpha- and beta-blockade for at least 2 to 3 weeks before surgery as well as rehydration. There is a possibility of relapse so high-risk patients require life-long follow-up.




Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,Internal Medicine







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