Association of segmentation of the epididymal interstitium with segmented tubule function in rats and mice


Turner TT,Bomgardner D,Jacobs JP,Nguyen QA


The epithelium of the epididymal tubule has different biological functions in different regions of the tubule. Each region is further organized into lobules or intra-regional segments surrounded by connective tissue septa (CTS). Epididymal segmentation has received little direct attention, yet there is considerable evidence that expression of mRNA and protein often begins or ends precisely at the CTS border of a segment. How such 'on-off' regulation occurs coincident with the passing of the tubule from one segment to the next is unknown. This study examined the segmentation of epididymides in rats and mice. The average adult Sprague-Dawley rat and C57BL/6 mouse caput, corpus and cauda epididymides has seven, two and four, and three, one and two segments, respectively. The apoptosis response of the caput epididymal epithelium to deprivation of lumicrine factors 24 h after efferent duct ligation in rats and the epididymal expression of a marker protein, beta-galactosidase, in mice were segmented precisely. This validated both at a general response and at a specific protein level that many epididymal functions are regulated within segments. Blue dextran (molecular weight 20000) and erythrocine red (molecular weight 880) dyes infused into the interstitial space of specific segments by micropuncture were retained by the CTS of the segments. In similar micropuncture experiments, [(3)H]H(2)O (molecular weight 18) was able to diffuse into an adjacent segment relatively freely whereas [(14)C]polyethylene glycol (molecular weight 4000) could not. These studies indicate that the interstitium of intra-regional segments is organized into different physiological compartments and that these compartments play a role in regulating the epididymal epithelium.




Cell Biology,Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Endocrinology,Embryology,Reproductive Medicine







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