Hyperactivation of mammalian spermatozoa: function and regulation


Ho HC,Suarez SS


Hyperactivation is a movement pattern observed in spermatozoa at the site and time of fertilization in mammals. It may be critical to the success of fertilization, because it enhances the ability of spermatozoa to detach from the wall of the oviduct, to move around in the labyrinthine lumen of the oviduct, to penetrate mucous substances and, finally, to penetrate the zona pellucida of the oocyte. The movement of hyperactivated spermatozoa appears different under different physical conditions and in different species, but basically it involves an increase in flagellar bend amplitude and beat asymmetry. Presumably, there is a signal or signals in the oviduct to initiate hyperactivation at the appropriate time; however, none has yet been identified. There is evidence that the source of the signal is follicular fluid, yet spermatozoa are known to hyperactivate before ovulation would release the fluid into the oviduct. Although the signal transduction cascade regulating hyperactivation remains to be described completely, it is clear that calcium ions interact with the axoneme of the flagellum to switch on hyperactivation. The process may also involve increases in intracellular cAMP, which at least is required to support motility in general. Although hyperactivation usually occurs during capacitation, the two events are regulated by different pathways.




Cell Biology,Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Endocrinology,Embryology,Reproductive Medicine

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