Economic risks of erosion effects as an part of assessment of the technical level of hydromeliorative systems


S.V. BrylORCID,M.S. ZverkovORCID


The issue of taking into account of the economic and environmental risks of irrigation erosion consequences is considered in the article. The analysis of the possibility of using the results of risk calculation in assessing of the technical level of hydromeliorative systems is given. It is noted that in Russia, the area of land subjected to erosion increases by 0.5 million hectares annually. The damage can reach 18...25 billion rubles per year, and the gross shortage of agricultural products is about 13.2 million tons in grain equivalent. Elements of the methodology for determining the value of environmental and economic risk of irrigation erosion was prepared, which include the identification of risks on and off site agrogeosystems. It is noted that 60 t/ha of soil is splashed per one watering by the sprinkler machine «Frigate», and 317 t/ha per one watering by the long-range irrigation device DDN-70. It leads to the occurrence on the soil surface of a colmatated layer of 3 and 12 mm, respectively. In this connection the environmental and economic risks can be 213.6 and 215.2 thousand rubles, for the sprinkler machine «Frigate» and the long-range irrigation device DDN-70 respectively. It was shown that the assessment of the ecological and economic damage caused by irrigation erosion can be elements of the assessment of the technical level of irrigation systems as a result of calculations. Such assessment is needed primarily in the design of measures for technical re-equipment and reconstruction, as well as for scenario calculations of operating conditions of projects of new hydromeliorative systems.


Scientific Research Center Of Environmental Engineering And Construction

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