Kozan Natalia,Voloshynovych Volodymyr,Kotsyubynska Yuliia,Zelenchuk Halyna,Tsikhivskyi Andrii
The objective of the research was the analysis of the structure of the commission of forensic medical examinations concerning professional offenses of medical professionals of the surgical profile according to the data of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise for the period 2015-2019.
Materials and methods. The material of the study were the annual reports of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise (Commission Department) and criminal case materials. Obtained data were processed using Microsoft Exel, Statistica 6.0.
Results. It was found that forensic medical examinations in case of improper performance of professional duties by medical workers accounted for a relatively small part 71 (14.3%) of the total forensic medical expertise. After the performed analysis, it was found that the doctors made diagnostic, therapeutic, organizational-tactical, deontological and combined errors that had a direct (29%) or indirect (26%) connection with the onset of death or adverse effects on the patient’s health. In 45% of cases, there was no correlation between the doctor’s actions and the occurrence of adverse effects for the patient.
Conclusions. The number of cases for improper performance of professional duties by medical workers is significantly higher in surgeons and obstetricians-gynecologists than in doctors of therapeutic profile. Every year, the complexity of commission forensic medical examinations in case of improper performance of professional duties by medical workers increases. This is due to the increasing complexity of surgical interventions and instrumental examination methods, as well as the increasing legal literacy of the population.
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
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4 articles.