1. Taylor, Jeremy, Discourse of the Nature Offices and Measures of Friendship (Londres: R. Royston, 1657)
2. Sanderson, William, Graphice, The Use of The Pen and Pensil, or, The Most Excellent Art of Painting: in Two Parts (Londres: Robert Crofts, 1658)
3. Woodford, Samuel, ‘To Belisa’, en A Paraphrase Upon the Canticles, and Some Select Hymns of the New and Old Testament, With Other Occasional Compositions in English Verse (Londres: John Baker & Henry Brome, 1679), pp. 162–63
4. Anderson, Penelope, Friendship’s Shadows: Women’s Friendship and the Politics of Betrayal in England, 1640–1705 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012)
5. Barber, Tabitha, Mary Beale: Portrait of a Seventeenth-Century Painter Her Family and Her Studio (Londres: Geffrye Museum, 1999)