1. Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, ed. by Jean Bolland and others (Antwerp: Apud Victorem Palme, 1643–) [cited as AASS]
2. Bibliotheca Cluniacensis, ed. by M. Marrier and A. Duchesne (Paris: R. Fouët, 1614) [cited as BC]
3. Helgaud of Fleury, Epitoma vitae regis Rotberti Pii, ed. and trans. by Robert-Henri Bautier and Gillette Labory (Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1965)
4. Les miracles de Saint Benoît: Miracula sancti Benedicti, ed. and trans. by Anselme Davril, Annie Dufour, and Gillette Labory (Paris: CNRS, 2019)
5. Necrologium ecclesiae beatae Mariae Carnotensis, ed. by R. Merlet and A. Clerval, in Un manuscrit chartrain du XIe siécle (Chartres: Garnier, 1893), pp. 149–83