1. ‘Cividale Planctus’, in Karl Young, The Drama of the Medieval Church, vol. i (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933), pp. 507–12
2. Planctus Mariae from Cividale: A Performance Edition
3. Barthes, Roland, ‘The Reality Effect’, in Roland Barthes, The Rustle of Language (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), pp. 141–48
4. Belting, Hans, An Anthropology of Images: Picture, Medium, Body (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011), reprint 2014
5. Borowski, Mateusz and Malgorzata Sugiera, ‘Introduction to Chapter Three’, in Fictional Realities/Real Fictions: Contemporary Theatre in Search of a New Mimetic Paradigm, ed. by Mateusz Borowski and Malgorzata Sugiera (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), pp. 136–48