1. 1. World Resources 1996–1997. World Resources Institute. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
2. 2. WHO (1992) Indoor air pollution from biomass fuel, Epidemiological, social and technical aspects of indoor air pollution from biomass fuel, WHO/PEP/93.3A, World Health Organization, Geneva.
3. 3. Guidelines for Air Quality. WHO/SDE/PHE/OEH/00.7. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2000. Internet address: http://www.who.int/peh/.
4. 4. UNEP/TERI Domestic Environment and Health of Women and Children. Eds. H.N.B. Gopalan and S. Saksena. United Nation Environmen Programme, Nairobi. Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1999.