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2. I.P. Vikulov, T.M. Nazirkhanov, D.O. Rajibaev "Analysis of traction and energy characteristics of the VL80S electric locomotive on the new mountainous section Angren - Pap". In the collection: breakthrough technologies for electric transport. Materials of the Ninth P78 International Symposium "Eltrans-2017" ("Eltrans-2017"), dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the founding of G.K. Merching of the electrical school in Russia., 2019, pp. 91–96.
3. D.O. Rajibaev "Application of electric locomotives with a four-quadrant converter on the railways of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences / St. Petersburg State University of Railway Engineering. St. Petersburg, 2011.
4. D.O. Rajibaev, I.M. Mirzokhidova "Assessment of the traction quality of the track profile of the Kattakurgan - Navoi section on the Uzbek Railway". In the collection: Intelligent energy in transport and industry. Materials of the All-Russian youth scientific-practical conference with international participation. 2018.S. 209–215.
5. Research on the influence of the parameters of the traction network of the iron donations of Uzbekistan. T.M. Nazirkhonov1, D.O. Radjibaev.