1. Numerical and experimental analysis of the dynamic response of large submerged trash-racks
2. M. P. Païdoussis, Fluid-structure interactions: slender structures and axial flow, 2nd ed., Vol. 2 (Elsevier Academic Press, London, 2016) p. 942.
3. Static and dynamic hydroelastic instabilities in MTR-type fuel elements Part I. introduction and experimental investigation
4. Numerical investigation of the effect of boundary conditions on hydroelastic stability of two parallel plates interacting with a layer of ideal flowing fluid
5. E. Maslen, G. Schweitzer, H. Bleuler, M. Cole, P. Keogh, R. Larsonneur, R. Nordmann, Y. Okada, and A. Traxler, Magnetic Bearings — Theory, Design and Application to Rotating Machinery, 1st ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009) pp. xv+535.