1. R. L. Simpson, J. H. Strickland, and P. W. Barr,Third Biennial Symposium in Turbulence in Liquids(Missouri, Rolla, 1973).
2. J. O. Hornkohl, F. L. Crosswy, and A. E. Lennert,The Use of the Laser Doppler Velocimeter for Flow Measurements, edited by W. H. Stevenson, and H. D. Thompson, (Purdue University, Project Squid and U.S. Army Missile Command Report, 1972), pp. 396–444.
3. R. L. Simpson and P. W. Barr,Laser Velocimetry, edited by W. H. Stevenson, and H. D. Thompson, (Purdue University, Project Squid and U.S. Army Missile Command Report, 1974).
4. M. Engelson, “Spectrum Analyzer Measurements Theory and Practice,” Tektronix, Inc., 1971.
5. Prototype Applied University Research, Inc. selective signal sampling system, model 101.