1. �ber die Erregung infolge der Periodizit�t von Turbomaschinen
2. A. Coutu, M. D. Roy, C. Monette, and B. Nennemann, “Experience with rotor-stator interactions in high head francis runner,” in 24th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems (IAHR, 2008).
3. Dynamic Analysis of Francis Runners - Experiment and Numerical Simulation
4. Influence of the rotation on the natural frequencies of a submerged-confined disk in water
5. D. Valentín, A. Presas, E. Egusquiza, and C. Valero, “Influence of non-rigid surfaces on the dynamic response of a submerged and confined disk,” in 6th IAHR International Workshop on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery (IAHR, 2015).