1. B. O’Shea, These proceedings.
2. F. Lemery, P. Piot, “Ballistic Bunching of Photo-Injected Electron Bunches with Dielectric-Lined Waveguides”, preprint arXiv:1407.1005 [physics.acc-ph] (2014).
3. S. Antipov, C. Jing, P. Schoessow, A. Kanareykin, B. Jiang, V. Yakimenko, A. Zholents, and W. Gai, AIP Conf. Proc. 1507, 421 (2012).
4. Subpicosecond Bunch Train Production for a Tunable mJ Level THz Source
5. High power terahertz radiation source based on electron beam wakefields