Viscous Flow through Porous Media


Prager Stephen


AIP Publishing


General Engineering

Reference11 articles.

1. Scattering by an Inhomogeneous Solid. II. The Correlation Function and Its Application

2. The volume average 〈f〉 of a functionfis defined as 1Vvf(r) dr, where the volumeVcovered by the integration is sufficiently large to extend over a representative sample of the porous material.

3. Absence of long-range order is assumed.

4. The variational principle which is being used here is not the familiar Helmholtz principle but rather its reciprocal: Eq. (5c), which would have been the Euler equation for the Helmholtz principle, appears here as a subsidiary condition. The Euler equation corresponding to (4) and (5) requires that σij be the symmetrized gradient of a divergence-free vector (i.e., the local fluid velocity); this requirement would have been a subsidiary condition in the case of the Helmholtz principle. The two principles are related in the same manner as the minimum potential energy and Castigliano principles in elasticity theory [see R. Courant and D. Hilbert,Methods of Mathematical Physics(Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1953), Vol. I, Chap. IV, pp. 268–272].

5. The summation convention will be used throughout, i.e., it will be understood that repeated subscripts occurring in a single tensor or a product of tensors are to be summed over all coordinate directions; thus, σll represents σ11+σ22+σ33, or the trace of the stress deviation.

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1. Microstructural and transport characteristics of triply periodic bicontinuous materials;Acta Materialia;2024-09

2. Random Functions and Random Fields, Autocorrelation Functions;Earth and Environmental Sciences Library;2024

3. Variational linear comparison homogenization estimates for the flow of yield stress fluids through porous media;Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics;2023-11

4. Extraordinary disordered hyperuniform multifunctional composites;Journal of Composite Materials;2022-08-08

5. Viscous Flow and Its Effect;Handbook of Research on Aspects and Applications of Incompressible and Compressible Aerodynamics;2022-06-24







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