Generalized perturbative singles corrections to the random phase approximation method: Impact on noncovalent interaction energies of closed- and open-shell dimers


Joshi Pulkit1ORCID,Voora Vamsee K.1ORCID


1. Department of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400005, India


The post-Kohn–Sham (KS) random phase approximation (RPA) method may provide a poor description of interaction energies of weakly bonded molecules due to inherent density errors in approximate KS functionals. To overcome these errors, we develop a generalized formalism to incorporate perturbative singles (pS) corrections to the RPA method using orbital rotations as a perturbation parameter. The pS schemes differ in the choice of orbital-rotation gradient and Hessian. We propose a pS scheme termed RPA singles (RPAS)[Hartree–Fock (HF)] that uses the RPA orbital-rotation gradient and time-dependent HF Hessian. This correction reduces the errors in noncovalent interaction energies of closed- and open-shell dimers. For the open-shell dimers, the RPAS(HF) method leads to a consistent error reduction by 50% or more compared to the RPA method for the cases of hydrogen-bonding, metal–solvent, carbene–solvent, and dispersion interactions. We also find that the pS corrections are more important in error reduction compared to higher-order exchange corrections to the RPA method. Overall, for open shells, the RPAS(HF)-corrected RPA method provides chemical accuracy for noncovalent interactions and is more reliable than other perturbative schemes and dispersion-corrected density functional approximations, highlighting its importance as a reliable beyond-RPA correction.


Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India


AIP Publishing


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy







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